


Kyndryl Japan





Kyndryl. The Heart of Progress. | キンドリル、それは社会成長の生命線。 – YouTube


「社会成長の生命線」をブランドアイデアに掲げるキンドリルでは、あらゆる社員が社内のコミュニティ、お客様とのビジネス、さらに社会においていかに自分らしさを発揮し成長できるかを重要視しています。 キンドリルは人こそが価値の会社であり、ひとりひとりが自分らしく働くことができ、組織として最大限の力を発揮するために Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (以下ID&E) の考え方を推進しています。

  • Inclusion: ひとりひとりの違いを理解し合い、尊重し合い、価値を認め合い、大切にすること
  • Diversity: 性別や年齢などの目に見える違いに限らず、考え方、スキル、経験などを含む多様性を認めること
  • Equity: 誰もが成長し成功する機会を持てるよう、個人の違いを考慮した上で提供される機会が公平であること




グローバルで Kyndryl Inclusion Networks (KINs)と言われる従業員リソースグループが発足し、日本でも 現在は下記3つのグループで活動を既に開始しています。

  • LGBTQ+ : BME (Business for Marriage Equality) キャンペーンへの賛同、東京レインボープライド2023の協賛、NIJIT幹事企業(*)および主催イベントの開催、「G7広島サミット及びG7大臣会合においてLGBTQ+に関する取組みを議題にすること等への要望書」への賛同
  • Women:毎年グローバルで開催している国際女性デー記念イベントにおいて2024年3月8日にパートナー企業様を招いて女性エグゼクティブによる講演、意見交換や女性のエンパワーメントを促進するワークショップを含む主催イベントを実施した。
  • People with Disabilities (PwD) / Neurodiversity (**):PwD社員同士、PwD社員のアライ(Ally:同盟、支援の意。以下、Ally)のネットワークキング、お互いに助け合える環境づくりを目的とした定期的なセッションを開催。Ally宣言の策定

*IT業界のLGBTQ+ Ally コミュニティ。企業文化や価値観で共通点の多いIT企業が各社の取り組み等を共有することで、互いに高め合い、IT業界をLGBTQ+の観点で活気付け、社会全体にも良い影響を与えられるよう努めています。


work with Prideで2年連続ゴールド受賞

2023年11月8日、一般社団法人「work with Pride(ワーク・ウィズ・プライド 以下、wwP)」(※1)が策定した「PRIDE指標2023」(※2)においてゴールドを受賞しました。2021年11月の創業時より2年連続でゴールドを受賞しています。キンドリル社内においてアライの人数は急増しており、さらにエグゼクティブを含む約170名のメンバーがコミュニティ運営に積極的に関わっています。このナレッジを社外に向けて共有することで、社会へのインパクトを図り、誰もが働きやすい環境作りに貢献したいと考えています。

※1「work with Pride」について




  1.  Policy (行動宣言)
  2. Representation (当事者コミュニティ)
  3. Inspiration (啓発活動)
  4. Development (人事制度・プログラム)
  5. Engagement/Empowerment (社会貢献・渉外活動)

出典:work with Pride PRIDE指標

About Kyndryl – The Heart of Progress™

Kyndryl (NYSE: KD) is the world’s largest IT infrastructure services provider serving thousands of enterprise customers in more than 60 countries including 75 of the Fortune 100. Kyndryl designs, builds, manages, and modernizes the complex, mission-critical information systems that the world depends on every day.

“Kyn” comes from the word “kinship.” It represents the strong bonds we form with customers and with each other. Our people are at the heart of our business. “-dryl” is coined from “tendril,” evoking new growth and connections. We grow as we work together.

New growth and connections between people are two of the core principles that make up our identity at Kyndryl. These principles are closely linked with our desire to provide oxygen to innovation, energy to change the world over, and to further human progress every day. The work we do at Kyndryl reflects these principles.

Kyndryl. The Heart of Progress. | キンドリル、それは社会成長の生命線。 – YouTube

Inclusive Company Culture

We empower Kyndryls (employees who work for Kyndryl) to embed inclusion, diversity and equity (ID&E) in every aspect of our business for a diverse workforce and inclusive, equitable culture that delivers exceptional service for our customers and advances the vital systems that power human progress.​

We are empathetic and devoted global citizens who strive to make the world better and more inclusive for our employees, customers, and our communities.

  • Inclusion: Understand, respect, value and cherish each other’s differences
  • Diversity: Recognize diversity, including ideas, skills, and experiences, not limited to visible differences such as gender and age
  • Equity: Fairness in the opportunities provided, considering individual differences so that everyone has the opportunity to grow and succeed

Human Resources System for LGBTQ+

Kyndryl has a “partner registration system” in place, where same-sex partners are considered equal to legally married spouses from the beginning of Kyndryl’s establishment. Through this system, various HR programs, such as special paid leave for marriage, childbirth including maternity and paternity leave, congratulatory and condolence visits, travel expenses to new posts, etc., will be extended to registered same-sex partners. Kyndryl also aims to promote institutional reforms in line with the needs of LGBTQ+ people. It is optional to use the system, whether to be open about one’s gender identity and sexual orientation.

Business Resource Groups at Kyndryl

Kyndryl Inclusion Networks (KINs) are company sponsored, employee-led resource groups that are organized around a shared identity such as race, gender, sexual identity, or disability. KINs work together to create an engaging and inclusive experience for members and continue the advancement of their respective communities.

At Kyndryl Japan, the following three groups have already started working on KINs

  • LGBTQ+: Endorsement to BME(Business for Marriage Equality) campaign, Sponsorship for Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2023 ”, Organizers of NIJIT(*)and hosting the event, Endorsement for “Request for the G7 Hiroshima Summit and G7 Ministerial Meeting to include LGBTQ+ initiatives on the agenda”.
  • Women: On March 8, 2024, as part of the annual International Women’s Day commemorative event was held globally. The event included keynote speeches by female executives, exchange of ideas, and workshops to promote women’s empowerment. Partners from various companies were invited to participate in this event, emphasizing the importance of women’s leadership and fostering gender equality.
  • People with Disabilities (PwD) / Neurodiversity (**): Regular sessions to create an environment where PwD employees can help each other and PwD employees’ Ally (Ally: meaning ally or support) networking, Formulate Ally Declaration.

*LGBTQ+Ally community in the IT industry. By sharing the efforts of IT companies that have much in common in terms of corporate culture and values, we strive to enhance each other’s efforts, energize the IT industry from an LGBTQ+ perspective, and have a positive impact on society as a whole.

**Neurodiversity. The idea that brain and neurological differences are individuality as a form of diversity

Awarded the Gold by the work with Pride association for the second consecutive year

On November 8, 2023, Kyndryl Japan was awarded Gold in “PRIDE Index 2023” (※1) by  General Incorporated Association called “work with Pride (wwP).” (※2) Two consecutive years that Kyndryl Japan have been awarded Gold since the first fiscal year. Within Kyndryl Japan, the number of allies is growing rapidly, and about 170 members are actively involved in managing the community. By sharing this knowledge externally, we hope to make an impact on society and contribute to creating a better working environment for everyone.

※1 About “PRIDE Index 2023”

wwP formulated a valuation index called “PRIDE indicator” for Japan’s first initiative for LGBTQ+ and other sexual minorities (“LGBTQ+”) in the workplace. This index is composed of the following five evaluation indicators, with the aim of realizing a workplace in which LGBTQ+ people can be proud to work.

  1. Policy
  2. Representation
  3. Inspiration
  4. Development
  5. Engagement/Empowerment

source:work with Pride PRIDE指標

※2 About “work with Pride”

It is a General Incorporated Association that supports the promotion and establishment of diversity management related to LGBTQ+, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other sexual minorities in companies and other organizations.

