

出展企業・団体の想い PRIDE AT WORK


AbbVie GK



そんなアッヴィは日本において、ERG(従業員リソースグループ)「Pride」を中心に社内外への取り組みを続け、2023年の「Work With Pride」では最高評価となるレインボーを取得。東京レインボープライド2024には初となる企業ブースも出展予定で、より活動の幅を広げている。「Pride」で共同リーダーを務める田島正浩さんと松永剛祐さんにアッヴィのEEDIに対する取り組みについて話を聞いた。

カスタマーエクセレンス本部 ブランドチームパートナー 統轄部長 田島正浩さん イミュノロジー事業本部 消化器領域事業部 営業統轄部長 松永剛祐さん
カスタマーエクセレンス本部 ブランドチームパートナー 統轄部長 田島正浩さん
イミュノロジー事業本部 消化器領域事業部 営業統轄部長 松永剛祐さん


田島正浩さん(以下、田島) アッヴィはノースシカゴに本社を持つ製薬会社です。主要領域は免疫疾患やウイルス感染症、精神神経領域、がんで、世界175カ国以上で製品を販売しています。グローバルには約5万人の社員がおり、そのうち日本法人は1800人を超えます。


松永剛祐さん(以下、松永) まず、我々の行動のベースとなる信条の「私たちの約束(Our Principles)」は、弊社グローバル全体で企業理念として掲げられており、「ダイバーシティとインクルージョン」が明記されています。これは、それぞれ皆さんが自分らしく働けるということが重要で、性別だけではなくさまざまな属性にかかるバイアスというものを抜きにして、自分らしくパフォーマンスを発揮できるように、という考えです。



松永 たとえば、弊社では、”My Journey, My Choice”を導入し、どんなバックグラウンドを持った人も、どんなライフ・ステージにあっても、アッヴィでの働き方・生き方を自ら選択することで、働きがい・生きがいを感じながら、成長に挑戦し続けることを推進しています。その取り組みの一つとして、「ドレス・フォー・ユア・デイ」という、その日の自身の業務に応じて自分で選択した好きな服装で出社できる制度があり、社員1人1人がその日に合った服装で、自由に自己表現できるようになっています。また、同性パートナーや同性婚についても、すべて「家族」として、異性パートナーや異性婚と同様の補助や手当を得られるようになっています。

my journey, my choice



田島 アッヴィのERGは、社員が手上げ式で会社全体のEEDIを経営層と一体となって推進するもので、「Gender」「Ability」「Generations」そして「Pride」という4つのグループがあります。私は2022年からPrideのリーダーを務めていまして、今年で3年目になります。



田島 Prideは我々の顧客や社会に対して働きかける社外向けの活動を行うチームと、社員に対する社内啓発活動のチームに分かれて活動を行っています。



また、製薬会社4社のアライアンス「Pharma for Pride」としての活動も行っています。昨年は各社の社員向けのレクチャーと、ドクター向けのイベントとしてLGBTQ+の方々がどんなことで困られているのか、医療現場ではどのような工夫が可能なのかなどについて虹色ドクターズ所属の医師よりご紹介いただきました。

松永 社内向けの活動としては、1800人を超える社員の認知度をまず上げていくということが非常に重要であり、認知を超えてアライになってくれる人を増やすための活動をしています。そのひとつとして、社内でオープンハウスの形でアライを募り、アライであるメンバー同士でコミュニケーションを取れるようなイベントを定期的に開催しています。



松永 従業員の約10%が現在アライ宣言をしています。最終的には、50%くらいまでは目指したいという風に考えています。

田島 私の記憶では、立ち上げ時にアライを宣言してくれた人は20数名ほどだったと思います。毎年EEDIに関するアンケート調査を従業員向けにやっているんですけれども、昨年の結果を見ますと、回答者の90%以上が自分はアライだと思うと答えてくれました。潜在的なアライはいるのですが、今後どうアライ宣言(自身の名前を含めて宣言)につなげていくか、それをどう可視化していくかが課題だと考えています。

インタビューを受ける田島正浩さん(カスタマーエクセレンス本部 ブランドチームパートナー 統轄部長)と松永剛祐さん(イミュノロジー事業本部 消化器領域事業部 営業統轄部長)


松永 一例を挙げると、先日社内のLGBTQ+の研修で、当事者の方々に対して配慮のない会話の事例を解説するような動画を撮影して、流したのですが、非常に反響がありました。私と田島が動画に出演し、ダメな管理職になりきったのですが、我々、会社の中では目立つポジションだということでして(笑)、「あの二人が・・・」と意外性がちょっとした話題になりましたね。



田島 Prideチームのメンバーも立ち上げ時はわずか10数名ほどだったのが24名にまで増えてきているんです。タッチポイントを多く持つことで仲間が増えてきており、大変うれしく思います。




松永 私自身はけっこう田舎の出身で、田舎ってけっこうバイアスというか偏見が強いところが残っていますよね。自分もどちらかというともともとバイアスを持っている人間だと思っています。


イミュノロジー事業本部 消化器領域事業部 営業統轄部長 松永剛祐さん

田島 実はERGのリーダーは基本的に2年で交代をすることになっているのですが、私の場合は強いパッションもありまして、続投させてもらっています。2021年にEEDIに関してのパネルディスカッションがあったんですが、その時に私はセクシャルマイノリティの友人の話をしたことがありまして。


カスタマーエクセレンス本部 ブランドチームパートナー 統轄部長 田島正浩さん





田島 去年はスモールチームでパレードに参加したんですよね。その時に社長やシニアマネージャーが来ていて、今年はもっと大きくやろうと今回のブース出展に繋がっています。パレードへの参加予定者も年々増えてきていまして、今年はすでに170人ほどの参加希望が来ています。

松永 我々が熱量を持ってやっていることを、まず社長が特に評価をしてくれ全面的なバックアップをしてくれています。それはグローバルも同じです。

田島 社長はさまざまなところで私たちのLGBTQ+に関する活動を紹介してくれています。パレードも先陣を切って歩いていた…というか、踊っていましたね(笑)。それで全体の士気も上がったと言いますか。



田島 弊社には美容医療領域もありまして、肌診断の機械を体験できるような企画を予定しています。また、来場者の皆さんから医療機関で困っていることなどの「生の声」を伺う場にできたらと思っています。

松永 一方でパネル展示を予定しています。アッヴィのEEDIに関する取り組みや人事制度のほか、LGBTQ+やPrideに関する歴史を紹介する予定になっています。



田島 今年はきっと昨年以上に参加人数も増えてくるので、東京レインボープライドの熱量を皆さんにも感じてほしいですし、パレードを歩く時の沿道からいただける応援とポジティブなエネルギーを持って帰って、家庭や職場で話し合うきっかけにしてほしいなと思っています。

松永 「楽しむ!」の一言ですね。楽しむ=笑顔を作れるということだと思います。関わるすべての人々に笑顔を届けられるように、当日を楽しみにしています!



Equality, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: AbbVie's Initiative Spreading internally and to the Healthcare Industry

AbbVie, headquartered in North Chicago, is a global research-driven biopharmaceutical company that sells products in over 175 countries worldwide. AbbVie G.K., its Japanese subsidiary, not only focuses on the development and provision of pharmaceuticals but also places great importance on social contribution activities. In addition to its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), AbbVie advocates for Equality, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EEDI), creating an environment where diverse talents can foster innovation on a daily basis.

In Japan, AbbVie has been actively engaged in internal and external initiatives centered around the Employee Resource Group (ERG) “Pride”. In 2023, AbbVie received the highest rating, the Rainbow, at “Work With Pride”, and for the first time, they will be exhibiting a corporate booth at Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024, expanding the scope of their activities. We spoke to Masahiro Tashima and Gousuke Matsunaga, co-leaders of “Pride”, about AbbVie’s commitment to EEDI.

カスタマーエクセレンス本部 ブランドチームパートナー 統轄部長 田島正浩さん イミュノロジー事業本部 消化器領域事業部 営業統轄部長 松永剛祐さん
Associate Director, Brand Team Partner, Customer Excellence, Masahiro Tashima
National Sales Manager, Gastroenterology, Immunology Business Unit, Gousuke Matsunaga

“What kind of company is AbbVie G.K.?

Masahiro Tashima (hereafter Tashima): AbbVie is a pharmaceutical company headquartered in North Chicago. Our main areas of focus include immunology, virology, neuroscience, and oncology. We have over 50,000 employees worldwide, with the Japanese subsidiary exceeding 1800 employees.

Q: Could you please elaborate on AbbVie’s approach to EEDI (Equality, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)?

Gousuke Matsunaga (hereafter Matsunaga): Our guiding principles, “Our Principles”, are upheld as corporate values throughout AbbVie globally, with “Diversity and Inclusion” explicitly stated. It’s important that everyone can work in their own way, not just based on gender but also free from biases related to various attributes, so they can perform to their full potential.

ERG was established in 2021 and was activated in 2022. However, the initiative regarding EEDI began before the establishment and activation of ERG. We believe that EEDI should be something taken for granted, so it’s troubling if it’s not. Even within that context, bias remains particularly strong concerning Pride-related issues.

Q: What corporate initiatives does AbbVie employ to advance its EEDI?

Matsunaga: For example, we have introduced “My Journey, My Choice”, which allows people with any background or at any life stage to choose their own way of working and living at AbbVie, enabling them to continue challenging themselves in career while feeling fulfilled. One of these initiatives is “Dress For Your Day”, where employees can come to work dressed in attire they choose based on their tasks for that day, allowing each employee to express themselves freely. Additionally, regarding same-sex partners or marriages, they receive the same benefits and allowances as heterosexual partners or marriages.

my journey, my choice

Promote Understanding in the Healthcare Industry and
Enhance Awareness Internally through ERG Initiatives

Q: Could you provide some insights into your ERGs (Employee Resource Groups)?

Tashima: AbbVie’s ERGs are initiatives where employees raise their hands to promote EEDI across the company in collaboration with management. There are four groups: “Gender”, “Ability”, “Generations”, and “Pride”. I have been leading Pride since 2022, and this year marks my third year.

Since the beginning of this year, Matsunaga has been my co-leader. Our collaboration extends to previous projects, where I’ve consistently witnessed his influential presence. His adaptable mindset makes him an ideal collaborator for navigating diverse considerations together.

Q: How do Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) engage through their activities?

Tashima: Pride is divided into two teams: one focuses on external activities reaching out to customers and society, and the other works on internal awareness activities for employees.

Presently, our efforts encompass a diverse range of 13 to 15 activities. For instance, in healthcare conferences, we set up booths dedicated to raising awareness about challenges LGBTQ+ community faces in accessing healthcare services. These platforms not only showcase our initiatives but also serve as vital forums for addressing pertinent issues and fostering inclusivity within the healthcare landscape.

Our booth at the Healthcare Conference

As “Pharma for Pride,” an alliance of four other pharmaceutical companies, we also actively reach out to organize various activities. In the previous year, we hosted lectures tailored for employees across participating companies and organized events targeting medical professionals. During these events, members of the Rainbow Doctors group, representing LGBTQ+ doctors, addressed pertinent issues encountered by LGBTQ+ individuals in healthcare environments, while also discussing potential enhancements to foster inclusivity.

Matsunaga: Regarding internal activities, our primary focus is on raising awareness among our over 1800 employees. Additionally, we are actively working to expand the number of allies within our organization. We work on several initiatives to achieve these aims. For example, we recruit allies through “open houses” or mixer events, and organize regular events where ally members can engage in ongoing communication and collaboration.

Given that a significant portion of our employees are sales members, it’s quite challenging to penetrate beyond headquarters to each sales office. To address this, we used E-learning to educate employees on ERG initiatives, activities and the basics. While these are optional, a considerable number of people participate in these courses.

Q: How many employees currently identify themselves as allies?

Matsunaga: About 10% of employees have currently officially declared themselves as allies. Ultimately, we aim to increase this to around 50%.
Tashima: Initially, around 20 individuals identified themselves as allies during the launch phase. However, according to the results from last year’s employee survey on EEDI (Employee Engagement and Diversity and Inclusion), over 90% of respondents indicated that they considered themselves allies. While there is a significant pool of potential allies, the challenge lies in establishing a clear pathway to formal ally declarations and visualizing this progression in the future.

インタビューを受ける田島正浩さん(カスタマーエクセレンス本部 ブランドチームパートナー 統轄部長)と松永剛祐さん(イミュノロジー事業本部 消化器領域事業部 営業統轄部長)

Q: How is your organization actively fostering the growth of internal allies beyond the current initiatives?

Matsunaga: Let me share an example. During one of our internal LGBTQ+ training sessions, we produced a video illustrating scenarios of conversations that lacked consideration for LGBTQ+ community, for awareness. The response to this video was overwhelmingly positive. Tashima and I participated in the video, portraying inappropriate manager roles, which garnered attention, given our prominent positions in the company (chuckles).

Screenshot of a moment during the internal training video depicting an example of inconsiderate conversation.

However, I believe the most impactful effort lies in our distribution of our lanyards. Furthermore, each sales office showcases posters designed by the Pride team, ensuring daily exposure and generating interest.

Tashima: Since the launch, the Pride team has grown significantly from just over 10 members to 24. This expansion has allowed us to establish multiple touchpoints, enabling us to engage and recruit more allies. This growth brings us great satisfaction and optimism for the future.


Leaders’ Motivation :
Ensuring that no one has to see others suffering

Q: How do you find the motivation to sustain your efforts?

Matsunaga: Growing up in a rural area, I witnessed firsthand the persistence of biases and prejudices. Admittedly, I once held my own biases.

However, as a sales leader responsible for guiding a team, I realized that biases could hinder my team members from reaching their full potential. This realization ignited a deep desire to confront and dismantle biases within myself and my team. Although achieving complete understanding may be challenging, I believe that fostering mutual understanding through genuine connection can pave the way for reciprocity and progress.

イミュノロジー事業本部 消化器領域事業部 営業統轄部長 松永剛祐さん

Tashima: Typically, ERG leaders rotate every two years, but my passion for the cause has allowed me to continue beyond that timeframe. My dedication stems from personal experiences, particularly one which I discussed in 2021 at a panel discussion on EEDI and which related to a friend of mine who is a sexual minority.

Reflecting on my time living in the UK three decades ago, I encountered discrimination as a Japanese person abroad. I faced restrictions on where I could live and establishments I could enter due to my skin color, and even had stones thrown at me.

カスタマーエクセレンス本部 ブランドチームパートナー 統轄部長 田島正浩さん

During those challenging times, my friends from the sexual minority community provided invaluable support, for which I am deeply grateful. However, upon entering the workforce, I observed a friend who had bravely come out facing discrimination and prejudice within our company.

Regrettably, I felt powerless to help him at the time, and he eventually left the company. His departure was a significant loss, given his exceptional talent. Witnessing this experience reinforced my resolve both personally and professionally. I refuse to tolerate such injustices, neither as a friend nor as a representative of the company. This led me to engage in advocacy efforts, a commitment I carried forward from my previous position.

Exhibiting Booth: Maximizing Enjoyment while Gaining Knowledge

Q: At Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024, AbbVie is scheduled to exhibit a booth for the first time. What are your expectations for this?

Tashima: Last year, we joined the parade with a small team, accompanied by our president and senior managers. This year’s decision to host a booth stems from our desire to make a larger impact. The parade participation has been growing annually, and this year, we already have around 170 people expressing interest in joining.

Matsunaga: Our president is highly supportive of our efforts, showing great enthusiasm and providing full backing, both locally and globally.

Tashima: Our president showcases our LGBTQ+ initiatives in various settings. He even led the parade at the forefront and was even dancing. This significantly boosted the team’s morale.

TRP2023、パレードの様子The parade during TRP2023

Q: What can visitors expect to see at the exhibition booth?

Tashima: In addition to showcasing our efforts, visitors can experience skin counseling provided by our aesthetics team. We also aim to provide a platform for visitors to share their unfiltered experiences, including challenges they encounter in healthcare.

Matsunaga: We’re focusing on panel exhibitions and we’ll be highlighting AbbVie’s efforts related to EEDI and HR systems, as well as delving into LGBTQ+ history and Pride initiatives.

To provide context, the source of our ERG members’ inspiration stems from when they researched the history of Pride. Discovering pivotal events like the Stonewall incident and the global spread of Pride deeply influenced us all. We aim for attendees to gain insight into how this rich history continues to shape the present-day context.

Q: Before we conclude, could you share some closing remarks?

Tashima: I hope this year’s Tokyo Rainbow Pride attracts even more people than last year, and I hope they take home the cheers and positive energy from the parade and from the people cheering from the sidewalks to ignite discussions in their homes and workplaces.

Matsunaga: Simply put: “let’s have fun!” When people enjoy themselves, it leads to smiles all around. We’re excited to bring smiles to everyone involved!
