

出展企業・団体の想い PRIDE AT WORK

Spotify Japan K.K.

Spotify Japan K.K.




大盛況のうちに幕を閉じた東京レインボープライド2024。本年のステージアクトでラストアクトを披露した ちゃんみな と、LGBTQ+コミュニティのアイコンであるリナ・サワヤマのビジュアルが一際目を引くSpotifyの出展ブースは多くの人で賑わっていた。




万波宏司さん(以下、万波) Spotifyは2006年に創業、2008年からサービスを開始している世界最大級のオーディオストリーミングサービスです。日本でも2016年にサービスを開始しており、現在180以上の国と地域で、6億人以上が利用している大きなコミュニティになって、1億以上の楽曲と500万以上のポッドキャスト番組が利用できます。




吉田祥子さん(以下、吉田) Spotifyでは現在「DEI(ダイバーシティ・エクイティ・インパクト)」を掲げています。当初はDEIB(ダイバーシティ・エクイティ・インクルージョン・ビロンギング)だったのですが、今インクルーシブであることは当たり前のことと捉えておりまして、そこを踏まえた上で、社内外に向けてインパクトを起こすことが何よりも大事だと考えています。





吉田 DEIに関する基本的な社内制度というものはすでに「当たり前のこと」として浸透しているので、特定のグループのために何かがあるというわけではありませんが、family formingや育児休業といった制度は男女関係なく、どの人たちにも使えるベネフィットとして設定されています。



芦澤紀子さん(以下、芦澤) これまでSpotifyでは、グローバル規模で「PRIDE」という名称でプレイリストを主軸にしたさまざまなキャンペーンを行ってまいりました。





芦澤 「光を放つ・輝く」といった意味を持つ単語で、LGBTQIA+のアーティストやクリエイター、およびその方々を支えていくリスナーやアライの方々など、さまざまな声を世界中に響かせて、輝かせていこうという思いがあると思います。


芦澤 国内でのGLOWの取り組みをより積極的に展開していくために、今年「PRIDE CODE」という名前のキャンペーンを朝日新聞ポッドキャストさんと共同で立ち上げまして、こちらを広げていく形で動いております。

すべての人がPRIDE(誇り)を持てる社会にするために、CODE(慣習)を見直そうというメッセージが根幹にあり、具体的な活動としては、Spotify側では「Spotify Singles」というSpotify限定レコーディング企画の一環として、リナ・サワヤマさんの「This Hell」という楽曲に、ちゃんみなさんが新たにリリックを書き下ろした新しいRemixを制作しました。

「This Hell」はLGBTQ+コミュニティの「奪われている権利」をテーマに制作された楽曲で、TRPさんでも昨年のオフィシャルテーマソングに起用されるなど、コミュニティのアンセムとして支持されている楽曲ひとつであるかと思うのですが、この楽曲に改めて命を吹き込んだ楽曲をSpotify側から発信しています。

朝日新聞ポッドキャストでの企画も実施しました。人気コンテンツである「ニュースの現場から」という番組の特別企画「PRIDE CODE」を立ち上げ、リナさんや、ちゃんみなさん、與真司郎さん、Aisho Nakajimaさんなど、この取り組みに共感していただけるLGBTQ+コミュニティおよびアライの方々で、さまざまな分野でクリエイティブに活躍されている方をお迎えし、思いを語っていただいています。



芦澤 こうしたポッドキャストと音楽の取り組みを軸としながら、今年のTRPでは、「公益社団法人Marriage For All Japan – 結婚の自由をすべての人に」の活動に対し賛同を表明するための署名用紙を会場内のSpotifyブースでお配りするお手伝いをさせていただきました。署名用紙がちょっとユニークなものになっておりまして。

署名用紙に書いてある文章が、波型のコードになっていて、このコードをSpotifyのアプリ内のカメラ機能を使って読み込むと、自動的に先ほどお伝えした「PRIDE CODE」のプレイリストに移行し、コミュニティを代表するアーティストやクリエイターの皆さんが発信されている音楽やポッドキャスト番組を聴くことができるという仕掛けになっています。。




吉田 例年、感じることなのですが、「セーフスペース」ができている感じがあって、本当に参加者の皆さんが「自分らしくあること」を楽しんでいる空間になっていると感じます。日常がこんな空気になれば、と参加する度に思います。


万波 ご近所の方が散歩がてら来ていたり、お子さんを連れていらっしゃったりと、本当に多様な皆さんが集まる空間になっていたように感じます。音楽やポッドキャストなどのコンテンツを通して、アーティストやクリエイターとリスナーが相互につながるきっかけをお届けすることができ、Spotifyらしい取り組みになったと思いました。

芦澤 「署名を書いていただいて、コードを読む」という企画は、アクションを必要としますし、フォトブースなどの気軽に立ち寄れるものと比べるとどうしてもコミットメントを必要としてしまうので、どれくらい反応があるか始めるまでは未知数でした。


これら一連の活動は、PRIDE CODEアフタームービーという形で、以下よりYoutubeでみなさまにご覧いただけます。


万波 多様なバックグラウンドのアーティストやクリエイターが、その作品や声をより多くのリスナーに届け、オーディエンスを広げ、ファンとの中長期的な結びつきを強めていくお手伝いをするというミッションに共鳴する、様々な専門性や個性をもった従業員が集まり、チームを超えて一丸となって、真摯にまた遊び心を持って取り組んでいるのがSpotifyではないかと感じています。時代と共に新しいイノベーションに挑戦しながら、このミッションの実現に向けて取り組み続けていくことは、これからも変わらないと思います。

吉田 LGBTQ+に関してでいえば、そもそもLGBTQ+ってなんだっけ? ということから、たとえばアライについて知ってみようかとか、本当は知りたいけど聞けないことを聞けるような場をもっと作るということを続けていきたいと思っています。自分らしくあることを他人事にせず、どのダイバーシティのトピックについても寄り添っていきたいです。

芦澤 日本の音楽業界はジェンダーバランスをはじめ、既成の概念が強くあると思っていたのですが、Spotifyに入って思うのは、こうした既存の「壁」みたいなものは、ふとしたきっかけで簡単に壊すことができるということです。



Amplifying the Voices of the LGBTQ+ Community Globally : “Voices To Change the World"


From left to right: Koji Mannami, Head of Communications in Japan; Noriko Ashizawa, music department; Shoko Yoshida, human resources manager.

As Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024 concluded with a great bang, Spotify’s booth, featuring its visuals of LGBTQ+ icon Rina Sawayama and the final stage act performer Chanmina both attracted massive crowds. We spoke with Noriko Ashizawa, Head of Music Planning and Promotion, Shoko Yoshida from HR, and Koji Mannami, Head of PR and Communications, about Spotify’s ongoing support for the LGBTQ+ community through its content and initiatives and as the global music streaming service seeks to amplify the voices of artists around the world.

Interview and text by Moushin Takamatsu
Photo/Akane Kiyohara

Q: Can you tell us more about Spotify as a company and service?

A: Koji Mannami (Thereafter Mannami) - Spotify, founded in 2006 and launched in 2008, is one of the world’s largest audio streaming services. We began operations in Japan in 2016, and now serve over 600 million users across more than 180 countries and regions. Our platform offers access to over 100 million songs and more than 5 million podcast episodes.

Spotify is available in both free and premium versions, and our mission is to enable artists and creators to reach global listeners, earning compensation and sustaining their careers.

One of our key features is personalization. We continuously evolve to cater to individual preferences and listening behaviors, providing new and relevant content. This ensures that the more you use Spotify, the more it becomes an indispensable partner in your daily life, enhancing your experience with mood- and situation-appropriate music and podcasts

Q: How does Spotify approach DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)?

A: Shoko Yoshida (Thereafter Yoshida) –  At Spotify, we currently place much emphasis on “DEI” (Diversity, Equity, Impact). Initially, we focused on DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging), but we’ve come to view inclusiveness as a given. Now, our priority is creating impactful change within and outside the company.

Our mission supports creators in unlocking their potential, and our internal diversity philosophy aligns with this. We foster a workplace where diverse skills and individualities can thrive collaboratively. Our core principle is the “Inclusion Mindset,” akin to the “Growth Mindset” concept, which believes in developing fundamental abilities through effort. At Spotify, we avoid pigeonholing individuals and instead embrace empathy and coexistence.

This approach permeates all aspects of our operations, from hiring to internal meetings and team discussions – basically all decision making situations. This ensures that we do not have preconceived opinions about how people think, and creates an environment where diverse opinions are heard and valued.

Q: What specific DEI policies does Spotify have in place?

A: Yoshida – Our fundamental DEI policies are ingrained in our company culture and are available to everyone, regardless of gender. Benefits like family forming and parental leave are accessible to all employees, ensuring equitable support.

Amplifying Community Voices with “GLOW”

Q: Spotify has supported Tokyo Rainbow Pride since 2018. Can you discuss your support for the LGBTQ+ community and your messaging?

A: Noriko Ashizawa (Thereafter Ashizawa) – Globally, Spotify has run various campaigns centered around playlists under the “PRIDE” banner. In January 2023, we launched a new global program called “GLOW,” aimed at celebrating and expanding the reach of LGBTQIA+ artists and creators.

The concept leverages Spotify’s vast audience to amplify voices from communities with limited exposure. Before “GLOW,” we supported the introduction of diverse works by organizing feature pages and other projects on the platform to highlight the LGBTQ+ community in Japan. Last year’s efforts included publishing playlists that spotlighted involved artists and playlists curated by organizers and DJs active in the community’s club scene.

Our ongoing efforts include promoting domestic creators’ music and programs globally, fostering international collaboration among playlist editors.

Q: What does the name “GLOW” signify?

A : Ashizawa - GLOW” signifies “to shine” or “radiate,” reflecting our goal of amplifying the voices of LGBTQIA+ artists, creators, and their allies, ensuring they shine and resonate on a global stage.

Q: What are your future plans for “GLOW”? 

A: Ashizawa – To actively develop GLOW initiatives in Japan, we launched a campaign named “PRIDE CODE” in collaboration with Asahi Shimbun Podcast this year and are working to expand it. The campaign is based on the message of reviewing customs (CODES) to create a society where everyone can be proud of their PRIDE. As part of this, we released a new remix of Rina Sawayama’s “This Hell,” featuring lyrics by Chanmina, exclusively on Spotify.

“This Hell” is a song about the rights denied to the LGBTQ+ community and was used as the official theme song of TRP last year, becoming, I believe, a community anthem. However, this year, Spotify has breathed new life into this song.

We also collaborated with Asahi Shimbun on a special podcast series, We launched a special program called “PRIDE CODE” as part of the popular “News from the Frontlines” series, inviting Rina Sawayama, Chanmina, Shinjiro Atae, Aisho Nakajima, and other members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies who share our vision. These creative and active individuals from various fields shared their thoughts and ideas on this initiative.

Signature Forms: A Gateway for Voices to Be Heard

Q: Can you tell us about your booth at TRP this year?

A: Ashizawa – In addition to these podcast and music initiatives, at TRP 2024 this year, we supported “Marriage For All Japan” by distributing signature signing campaign sheets at our booth. These sheets were quite unique as the text on the sheet was also a soundwave QR code that, when scanned with Spotify’s app, directed users to our “PRIDE CODE” playlist, featuring music and podcasts from community representatives.

The response was overwhelming, with most prepared sheets gone by Saturday, the first day of Tokyo Rainbow Pride, while on Sunday we ran out completely early with many visitors unable to get hold of the signature signing sheets for 2 to 3 hours due to high demand.

Additionally, we repeated a project from last year where we asked attendees to select their favorite song that” makes you shine” on Spotify to create a playlist. Over 1,000 people participated, resulting in a playlist of more than 800 songs.

Q: How did participants react to TRP 2024?

A: Yoshida –  Every year, I am reminded how TRP creates a “safe space” where attendees can truly enjoy being themselves. It’s a reminder of the inclusive environment we strive for daily. We’re proud to have supported the community in a uniquely Spotify way, raising awareness and encouraging reflection on issues like, this year, same-sex marriage through our platform and our artist’s voices.

Mannami – It seemed to be a space where a truly diverse range of people gathered, with neighbors strolling by or bringing their children. We were able to provide an opportunity for artists, creators, and listeners to connect with each other through music, podcasts, and other content. I thought it was a very Spotify-like initiative.

Ashizawa - The “Write Your Signature and Read the Code” project required more action and commitment compared to a photo booth or other casual drop-in events, so we were unsure how well it would be received. We were very pleased to see how many people came to the event, how quickly we ran out of signature forms, and the enthusiasm and participation of everyone involved.
These efforts are captured in the PRIDE CODE after-movie, available on YouTube on the link below:

Q: The theme of TRP 2024 was “Don’t Give Up, Change Japan!” Please tell us what your company continues to do without giving up and what motivates you to take these kinds of initiatives.

Mannami –  We are a group of employees with various specialties and personalities who resonate with the mission of helping artists and creators from diverse backgrounds bring their works and voices to a wider audience, expand their reach, and strengthen medium- to long-term ties with their fans. At Spotify, we share this mission and believe in continually working towards its realization while embracing new innovations as times change.

Yoshida – Regarding LGBTQ+ issues, we want to create more opportunities for people to ask questions they genuinely want to know but might be hesitant to ask, such as the basics such as “What is LGBTQ+?” and “How can I be an ally?” We aim to address every diversity topic without making it solely about individual identity.

Ashizawa – Spotify is breaking down traditional barriers in the music industry, offering indie artists global exposure.

I used to think that the Japanese music industry had unsurmountable preconceived notions, such as gender balance, but after joining Spotify, I think that these existing “barriers” can be easily broken down at a moment’s notice.

I think that Spotify has allowed independent artists to be discovered by listeners around the world and become very popular overseas, and in the past few years, music and the artists’ works have been delivered in ways that were previously unimaginable. I find thrilling this ability to transcend gender, era, and borders and this is what excites us about the future possibilities.