Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Nissan Diversity, Equity, &Inclusion
Toward a diverse, equitable and inclusive world where everyone is valued and respected At Nissan, we aim to empower journeys and society. This begins by empowering everyone to challenge themselves and drive innovation.
日産自動車のERG(Employee Resource Group, 従業員リソースグループ)
ERGは、従業員が共通の志(アインデンティティ/関心)のもとネットワークを形成し、知識や経験の共有・習得など主体的にアクションを起こす、役員の支援を得た活動です。 日産自動車には、LGBTQ+とアライの人々が共に活動する場として、ERGが存在しています。LGBTQ+当事者とそのアライによって構成されているこのERGは、日産の従業員として、性自認や性的指向によって尊厳を脅かされることなく安心して働ける環境を実現するため、LGBTQ+当事者のみのネットワーク作りや、当事者とアライをつなぐ活動などを目指しています。
ERG (Employee Resource Group) at Nissan
An ERG is a voluntary group formed by employees who share common purposes (identities, interest, etc.). They work on their own initiative through knowledge sharing or other activities that are supported by executives. There is an ERG for
LGBTQ+ people and their allies to come together and work for positive change at Nissan. To create a safe working environment where everyone can work without concerns about gender identity or sexual orientation, the LGBTQ+ Ally ERG aims to create a network for LGBTQ+ people and conduct activities to connect LGBTQ+ people with allies.
ERGの活動は、会社を大きな畑に例えたときに、従業員一人ひとりの能力を最大限発揮するための土壌づくりのようなものだと考えています。カチカチに固まった土ではなく、たくさんの芽が出て大きな木や果実が育つようなフカフカの土壌です。LGBTQ+の当事者はもちろんウェルカムですが、やはりカミングアウトというセンシティブなトピックが絡むので、アライ(理解者、支援者)を増やしていくことが大きな目的だと思っています。そのために、今年度の活動のキーワードとして“Welcoming out!”を掲げています。当事者ではなくAllyのカミングアウトです。当事者と同様にアライも目に見えません。「私はアライですよ」とアライを可視化するアクションをアライ の方々と一緒に起こして行きたいと思っています。その結果が、豊かな土壌、すなわち、従業員一人一人が安心して働ける職場環境の実現に繋がると信じています。
Message on LGBTQ+ people and their allies Group
An ERG‘s activities are to help all employees unlock their full potential like gardeners preparing the soil, if we regard the company as a large field. We want to tend and till the ground, making it fertile so that many seeds sprout will grow into large trees or grow into a vibrant array of colorful flowers. For this reason, as we continue to welcome LGBTQ+ colleagues, we become more committed to expanding our community of Allies who understand and support LGBTQ+ colleagues, as they may be going through the very sensitive challenge of coming out. To this end, we have set “Welcoming out!” as the key phrase for this year‘s activities, which encourages Ally members to take action to express that we are Ally and welcome LGBTQ+ members. Allies as well as LGBTQ+ persons should be mainstream, where everyone says, “I’m here as an ally.” We would like to take actions that visualize ourselves as allies. We believe that ERG activities will contribute to realize a working environment with more safety space for every employee.