


Unilever Japan


Welcome to Unilever Japan’s online booth! Find out how we’re working to create a fairer, more socially inclusive world where everyone be true to yourself, proud, and happy.

Be Yourself. Colourful is Powerful.ユニリーバは「Be Yourself(あなたらしさ)」を大切にしています。それは、人が自分らしくあるときにこそ、力を発揮し、輝けることを知っているから。ユニリーバ・ジャパンでも、パーパスを持つブランドや、自分らしいキャリアや働き方を応援する制度、「ユニリーバ・プラウド」などの取り組みを通じて、誰もが自分らしく、ほこらしく、幸せに生きることが“あたりまえ”になる社会をめざしています。

Unilever values “Be Yourself”. This is because we know that people can reach their potential and thrive when they can be authentic selves. Unilever Japan is taking actions though our brands with purpose and our employee resource group “Unilever ProUd” to create a fairer, more socially inclusive world where everyone be true to yourself, proud, and happy.

よりフェアでインクルーシブな世界のために | Taking a stand for a fairer, more socially inclusive world


≫ 詳しくはこちら:エクイティ、ダイバーシティ、インクルージョン

Diversity and inclusion have been one of our strategic priorities over years. Our global strategy “The Unilever Compass” sets targets to promote equity together with diversity and inclusion.

≫ Find more about Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

自分らしく、ほこらしく働き、生きられる社会への取り組み | Our Actions





  • 中途採用も含め、すべての選考過程で性別欄・写真・ファーストネームの記載を廃止
  • 国内最大級のダイバーシティに関するキャリアフォーラムDiversity Career Forumに初年度から継続出展


  • 世界共通の行動指針「企業行動原則」で、性自認・性的志向への差別も含め、あらゆる差別禁止を明記
  • 同性パートナーにも配偶者と同様、結婚・忌日休暇、慶弔金の制度、看護・介護休暇、育児休業の制度を適用。また、準婚姻契約書の費用を補助
  • トランスジェンダーへの配慮:通称・健康診断などで本人の望む性別を尊重。また、手術の際に休暇を付与
  • 社内で理解を深め、バイアスを取り除いていく「#Unstreotype研修」などを実施
  • 従業員リソースグループ「ProUd」とともに誰もが自分らしく、誇らしく働ける環境づくりを推進


  • 世界各地でパーパス(目的・存在意義)を持つブランドを通して、LGBTQI+の方々への理解を深め、権利を守るための製品やキャンペーンを上市。日本でも「AXE UNITY限定レインボーフィルム」を2019年に発売。その後もラックスやダヴといったパーパスを持つブランドや、「#ジェンダーってなんだ?」キャンペーンなどを通じて、誰もが自分らしい一歩を踏み出すことを応援



上記のような取り組みが高く評価され、任意団体work with Prideが、LGBTQI+の方々が働きやすい職場づくりを日本で実現することをめざして策定した指標「PRIDE指標2023」において最高位の「ゴールド」を受賞しました。

Key Initiatives in Japan

Workforce: Talent attraction, recruitment and development

  • Stopped asking gender, first name, and photos in all recruiting processes
  • Sponsoring Diversity Career Forum continuously from the first year

Workplace: Policies and practices

  • Our global Code of Business Principles requires all employees to treat everyone fairly and equally, without any discrimination including gender identity and sexual orientation. Employees are also required to immediately report actual or potential breaches to internal or external hotlines which are open 24hrs/356 days and accept anonymous reporting.
  • Extended benefits to same-sex partners: marriage leave and allowance, bereavement leave and allowance, leaves for child care and family care. Also subsidizes the cost of quasi-marriage contracts.
  • Granting recognition of preferred gender identity of transgender individuals. Also offering leaves when they undergo transitions.
  • Providing “#Unstereotype training” to eliminate unconscious biases for mutual understanding.
  • Promoting culture where everyone can feel proud of self and one another with an employee resource group ”Unilever ProUd”

Marketplace: Making positive impact through the market

  • Our brands with purpose have been launching innovations and campaigns to speak up for LGBTQI+ community. In Japan, AXE launched “AXE UNITY rainbow film limited edition” in 2019. We are also supporting people to be themselves and take steps forward through our brands including Lux and Dove and campaigns such as “#What is gender?”

Community: Making positive impact with communities

  • Sponsoring external events and networks for LGBTQI+ community, such as Tokyo Rainbow Pride, LGBT Coming of Age Ceremony, and Business for Marriage Equality
  • Provided “#Unstreotype” workshop to high-school students


Unilever Japan received “Gold” in Pride Index 2023 by work with Pride, an index to recognize LGBTQI+ friendly workplaces.

キャリアも、働き方も、自分らしく | Create your own career and workstyle


  • UFLP365:いつでも、世界中どこからでも、何回でも、大学1年生〜既卒3年以内まで応募できる新卒採用制度
  • PDP/FFP/Unilever Future Leaders’ Programme:世界共通の公正な人事評価・育成制度
  • WAA (Work from Anywhere and Anytime):働く時間・場所を自分で決められる柔軟な働き方
  • WAAP (WAA for Parallel Careers):複業人材募集プラットフォーム

≫ 詳しくはこちら:Be Yourself:キャリアも、働き方も、自分らしく | Unilever

Unilever Japan has policies and practices to support everyone to design career they wish as well as pioneering new, flexible ways of working.

  • UFLP365: Recruiting process which allows university freshmen to those who graduated university within 3 years to apply for Unilever jobs any time, from anywhere.
  • PDP/FFP/Unilever Future Leaders’ Programme: Global evaluation and development process.
  • WAA (Work from Anywhere and Anytime): Flexible ways of working
  • WAAP (WAA for Parallel Careers): A platform for those who want to find Unilever jobs as a parallel work

ジョイ・ホー社長からのメッセージ | A message from Joy Ho, President of Unilever Japan




人は誰もがパーパス(目的・存在意義)を持って生まれてくる特別な存在です。一人ひとりが自分らしく、安心して活躍できる環境をつくっていくことで、会社はより強くなり、社会にもよい変化をもたらせると信じています ー ジョイ・ホー社長、diversityworksインタビュー記事より抜粋

≫ ジョイのインタビュー記事例
社長として、『BeYourself』を体現するロールモデルとして | diversity works
ユニリーバ日本法人社長、「自分らしく」体現するリーダーへ❘ オルタナ

Joy Ho was appointed as the president of Unilever Japan Customer Marketing in July, 2022, and became the first female and open lesbian president in Unilever Japan’s history. Joy was born in Taiwan and became aware of her sexuality as she grew up, but she was not 100% coming out from the closet for years. In 2015, after meeting her wife, Joy fully came out as a lesbian. Knowing that LGBTQI+ children are often isolated from the rest of society, she wanted to tell the children that they have a bright future where they can live their lives as true selves. She returned to Unilever in 2017 and has been speaking up for unvoiced.

“Every one of us is made with a purpose. Businesses and the world can be colorful and powerful when each one of us can embrace our true self and live out our purpose” says Joy.

≫ View interview articles (in Japanese language)
As a president, and as a role model of “be yourself” | diversityworks
President of Unilever Japan, being an authentic leader | Alterna

ユニリーバについて | About Unilever


≫ 詳しくはこちら:ユニリーバ・ジャパン ウェブサイト

Unilever is one of the world’s leading consumer goods company, with sales in over 190 countries and products used by 3.4 billion people every day. Our brands include Lux, Dove, Nexxus, Vaseline, and Proudmen. Our purpose is to make sustainable living commonplace. The Unilever Compass, our sustainable business strategy, is set out to help us deliver superior performance while improving the health of the planet; improving people’s health, confidence and wellbeing; and contributing to a fairer and more socially inclusive world.

≫ Find more about Unilever


