

出展企業・団体の想い PRIDE AT WORK






「東京レインボープライド」に協賛して、今年で11年目を迎える国内飲料メーカーのチェリオグループ(以下 チェリオ)。関西、中部、沖縄エリアをメインに事業を展開しているチェリオは、事業を通じてLGBTQ+の認知拡大理解浸透に力を注いできた。今回は、マーケティング部の西尾友希さんに、チェリオの現在の取り組みと、啓蒙活動の意義について話を聞いた。




ーー チェリオではこれまでも、匿名の相談窓口の設置や、チェリオ独自の同性パートナーシップ制度の整備など、誰もが働きやすい環境づくりを目指し、様々な取り組みを実施されてきました。2023年には、アライ(理解者)であることを示す「アライシール」の作成を始められましたが、どのような意図があったのでしょう。

西尾友希さん(以下、西尾): 「アライシール」は、社内のカミングアウトに抵抗があるLGBTQ+の方が、周りがアライであると安心できる環境をつくるため、作成しました。このシールは強制するものではなく、あくまで任意で、パソコンや携帯ケースに貼ってもらっています。




ーー チェリオでは2016年から「LGBTQを知ってみよう」という社内報のコラムも継続されているほか、2017年からは、LGBTQについて理解を深める社内研修を始められました。こうした従業員に対する継続的な啓蒙活動の成果を感じることはありますか。

西尾: はい。チェリオでは毎年、「LGBTQ」という言葉に対する認知度アンケートを行っているのですが、「LGBTQという言葉の意味を知っている」「LGBTQという言葉の意味を人に説明できる」と回答する社員の割合が年々、増え続けています。2016年当初は全体の40%程でしたが、2019年には90%に達し、ここ数年は95%以上を維持できています。






ーー 現在、関西中部、沖縄圏をメインに約3万台を設置している自動販売機では、レインボーパッケージの「鈴鹿山系の天然水」や「ライフガード」など、LGBTQ+コミュニティを応援する商品を多数、展開しています。どのような反響がありましたか。

西尾: はい。SNS上で、「いつも応援してくれてありがとう」や、「ライフガードがレインボーパッケージになってる!」といったお声を沢山頂きました。自動販売機にひとつでもレインボープロダクトが入っていること応援しているという気持ちが伝えられているのかもしれません。





ーー 「のんでCHANGE!」自動販売機は、どのような企業が導入しているのでしょう。

西尾: 多様性への取り組みが充実している大企業様より、社内でダイバーシティに関する理解を促進したいが、何から始めればよいかわからないという中小企業様に導入して頂くことが多いです。





ーー TRPの今年のテーマは「変わるまで、あきらめない。」です。チェリオとして、また、西尾様として、今後、LGBTQ+の認知拡大に向けて、諦めずに継続していきたいことはありますか。

西尾: チェリオとしては、全国各地でLGBTQ+コミュニティを応援していきたいと考えています。チェリオ自動販売機などを通じて、無関心層の方に関心を持っていただく、「はじめの一歩」を生み出すことを目標にしています。





Cheerio Continues to Spark Change with Each Step Through Vending Machines


“Drink and change ” Vending Machine

Cheerio Group, a domestic beverage manufacturer, celebrates its 11th year of sponsorship at Tokyo Rainbow Pride, marking a remarkable milestone in its ongoing commitment to LGBTQ+ awareness and understanding. Operating mainly in the Kansai, Chubu, and Okinawa regions, Cheerio has dedicated its efforts to fostering LGBTQ+ inclusion through its business endeavors. Today, we sat down with Yuki Nishio from the Marketing Department to discuss Cheerio’s current initiatives and the significance of their educational activities.

Ally Seals: Igniting Understanding from Within


Yuki with an “Ally Seal” on her business smartphone

Q: Cheerio has, in the past, implemented various initiatives aimed at creating a more inclusive work environment, such as setting up an anonymous counseling hotline and establishing its own same-sex partnership system. In 2023, you created the “Ally Seals”. What was the intention behind this initiative?

Yuki: The “Ally Seal” was created to provide a comforting environment for LGBTQ+ individuals who may feel hesitant to come out at work, reassuring them that their colleagues are allies. This seal is entirely optional, meant to be displayed on computers or phone cases. It’s quite conspicuous, sparking conversations about diversity both within and outside the company. Expressing allyship not only shows support for LGBTQ+ colleagues but also fosters awareness and acceptance among allies themselves.


Company-owned computers and smartphones of employees who have applied “Ally Seals”

Q: Cheerio has been publishing a column titled “Let’s Learn About LGBTQ+” in its internal newsletter since 2016, and you’ve been conducting internal training sessions to deepen understanding of LGBTQ+ issues since 2017. Have you observed the impact of these continuous educational efforts on employees?

Yuki: Yes, indeed. Every year, we conduct surveys on the awareness of the term “LGBTQ+” among employees, asking if they understand its meaning and if they can explain it to others. The percentage of employees who answered affirmatively has been steadily increasing year by year. Initially around 40% in 2016, it reached 90% in 2019, and in recent years, we’ve maintained over 95%.

Personally, before joining Cheerio, I was only vaguely familiar with the term “LGBTQ+,” but through training sessions, LGBTQ+ book corners within the office, and columns in the internal newsletter, I’ve gained insights into the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals, deepening my understanding.

While external activities like participation in Tokyo Rainbow Pride are important, we prioritize internal communication to nurture a culture of acceptance among employees. By doing so, we believe that employees will extend their understanding of LGBTQ+ issues to their families and children, fostering broader awareness.

Voicing of Support Through Vending Machines


Rainbow packaging on product

Q: Cheerio has deployed vending machines, primarily in the Kansai, Chubu, and Okinawa regions, with approximately 30,000 units installed. These machines offer a variety of products supporting the LGBTQ+ community, such as Rainbow Packaged “Natural Mineral Water” and “LIFEGUARD” What has been the response to these initiatives?

Yuki: We’ve received numerous positive responses on social media, with comments like “Thank you for your ongoing support!” and “I noticed LIFEGUARD with its rainbow packaging!”

Even having just one rainbow product in vending machines seems to convey a message of support. Additionally, we’ve launched a project called “Drink and Change” where vending machines allocate a portion of their sales to support Pride events. This project aims to deliver a message of support to LGBTQ+ individuals through accessible vending machines 24 hours a day.

The “Drink and Change ” vending machines stand out from regular ones. Decorated in rainbow colors, they also offer customers a chance to learn about diversity. With each purchase, individuals can effortlessly support Pride events and indirectly take part in them.


“Drink and Change” Vending Machine

Q: Which companies have introduced the “Drink and change!” vending machines?

Yuki: We’ve seen interest from smaller companies looking to enhance diversity efforts internally but unsure where to start, as well as from large corporations with robust diversity initiatives.

Feedback from companies that have installed these vending machines has been positive, with reports of conversations about diversity starting among employees and visitors due to the conspicuous rainbow-colored machines even with just one vending machine installed.

Striving Towards a Diverse Japan: Our Continuing Mission


Employees with their families participating in Tokyo Rainbow Pride

Q: With this year’s Tokyo Rainbow Pride theme being “Don’t give up, Change Japan!”, what are your aspirations, both for Cheerio and personally, in continuing efforts to expand LGBTQ+ awareness without relenting?

Yuki: At Cheerio, we aim to support LGBTQ+ communities nationwide. Through initiatives like the Cheerio vending machines, we hope to spark interest among the indifferent and serve as a catalyst for their journey of understanding.

We also aim to further enliven Pride events across the country. While Tokyo Rainbow Pride attracts nearly 230,000 attendees, numerous Pride communities hold events in local regions.

Cheerio not only sponsors Tokyo Rainbow Pride but also encourages employee participation in local parades, often with their families. In 2023, we sponsored 13 organizations in various regions, and we plan to continue our active support.
Personally, I hope to provide opportunities for individuals who, like me in the past, were familiar with the term “LGBTQ+” but unable to explain it. Having LGBTQ+ friends myself, I was delighted when they trusted me enough to seek advice amid their various anxieties. Cheerio aims to become a trusted company for LGBTQ+ individuals, an essential aspect of our commitment to inclusivity.