





























また、次のワークショップでは、セールスフォースのLGBTQ+アライERPG(Employee Resource Group)であるOutforceの共同代表であるピーター・嶋氏と河津玲奈氏、そしてLLAN(Lawyers Network for LGBT and Ally)の共同代表である藤田直介氏が、婚姻の平等(いわゆる、同性婚)がなぜビジネスにとって良いのかを議論した。


「ビジネス・フォー・マリッジ・エクオリティーを支援する企業が100社から450社に増えた」と日本における結婚の平等(同性婚の合法化)を支持する企業を集めた「Business for Marriage Equality」キャンペーンについて、彼はこう語った。














最後の基調講演では、セガサミーホールディングス サステナビリティ本部の石井優貴氏と、freee株式会社 ダイバーシティマネージャーの吉村美音氏が、LGBTQ+の取り組みを社内の様々なダイバーシティの中に入れることの重要性について語った。






「今回初めて来て、すごい刺激的で、勉強にもなりました」とLVHMモエ ヘネシー・ルイ ヴィトン・ジャパンの柿原理紗子氏は語る。「改めて、セレブレーションだけではなくて、企業のレスポンシビリティとして、まだ日本でやっていくことがたくさんあるんだなというのを直感的に感じました。」

また、東京レインボープライドに継続して協賛している企業担当者は、今回のプライド・カンファレンスから多くのことを得ることができたと喜んでいた。MSD株式会社LGBTQ+ EBRG支部の日本代表であるセドリック・ティリオンは語った。「東京レインボープライドに2度、そして札幌レインボープライドにスポンサーとして参加した後、この勢いを継続させるためのアイデアを探していたが、この会議は参加する価値のあるものだった。」


記事:東京レインボープライド オリビエ・ファーブル
写真:Akane Kiyohara

Pride Conference 2023 

Spearheading Corporate Inclusion and Advocacy

Keynote Session – “Why the Business Community is Committed to DEI”

“Be a spearhead, be someone who goes ahead of people,” said Takeshi Niinami, CEO of Suntory Holdings Limited and chair of the Japanese business lobby Keizai Doyukai, at Tokyo Rainbow Pride’s annual corporate Pride Conference on Thursday. 

 “I firmly believe in the power of accumulating small successes,” Niinami told a gathering of D&EI leaders and CEOs from companies across Japan or with branches in Japan. 

“The good thing about Japanese companies is that they are quick to fall into step with each other, so as soon as they think they may be late to the game, they simply all change at once,” he added, explaining how small changes can create a tipping point where Japanese society as a whole can change. 

Daisuke Kan, President of Cheerio Corporation and one of Tokyo Rainbow Pride’s oldest Japanese corporate sponsors, echoed this sentiment.

“The participation of the leader of the Keizai Doyukai, which represents Japan’s business interests, at Tokyo Rainbow Pride is a landmark example of leadership practice even on a global scale, and we are thrilled to be a part of the beginning of Japanese business associations promoting social change,“ he said. 

Kan said TRP also sends an important message for the future generation in Japan. 

“We would see Japan and Japan’s democracy updated by putting children, who are our future for the 21st century, at the center. I believe that if Keizai Doyukai takes the lead in creating policies that support children from the workplace and at home, we can maximize the potential of Japan’s children, who are often ignored amid a declining birthrate and aging population, and create a way to make Japan innovative and make the generation gap an opportunity to co-create value.”

The conference, marked by corporate representation and progressive advocacy, brought together over 120 individuals from 80 diverse companies and an extensive online audience, gathered for an all-day event pulsating with the collective ambition to enhance corporate participation in the Tokyo Rainbow Pride movement.


Trans-rights highlighted

Keynote Speech: “Workplace Environments Inclusive of Transgender Participation”

The conference acted as a nexus of insights and strategies, with voices ranging from CEOs pioneering Diversity and Equity & Inclusion (D&EI) initiatives to legal experts illuminating the latest legal landscape concerning trans rights in Japan.

Yuka Tateishi’s keynote speech, titled “Workplace environments inclusive of transgender participation,” was hailed as extremely informative and eye-opening by many attendees. 

Tateishi, an attorney for the plaintiff in the case where the Japanese Supreme Court ruled that a transgender Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry official must be allowed to use women’s toilets at work, demonstrated how they won the case by showing how women’s safety or well-being was not at risk nor were even women consulted in this case. 

In fact, she pointed out, concerns for safety and well being of female staff had not even been brought up by female colleagues despite claims by METI that there were “female employees who feared for their safety”. 

“For companies, ask that they consider (if they have concerns) whether (their case) has any real benefits to their cisgender female employees, whether the fears are serious and real or whether they can prove this problem to be a real one,” she added. “The court judge, in a separate opinion, added that it was necessary to consider who suffers the most, and whether there is a middle way to mitigate it all.”

Tateishi is especially adamant that not considering the fact that women have diverse opinions on trans-rights and not all prescribe to the belief that transgender rights are a safety risk for women, is in itself biased thinking. 

Companies and NGOs teaming up together for stronger impact 

“Corporate LGBTQ Promotion Evolving Through Partnerships: Working with Businesses and Communities.”

However, beyond merely understanding the legal and structural aspects, the conference underscored the crucial need for allies. Sessions were dedicated to educating and empowering individuals on how to be effective allies, fostering a community that champions solidarity and understanding especially during the Pride Festival. 

One example of that was given by a joint workshop by ViiV Healthcare, Inc – a  British multinational pharmaceutical company specializing in the research and development of medicines to treat and prevent HIV/AIDS and Akta, an HIV/AIDS information center and event space, who have been teaming up for a few years now, but received many enquiries since they set up a joint booth together for the Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2023 festival. 

“At a large event such as Tokyo Rainbow Pride, it is difficult for one NPO or one NGO to set up a booth that will get any notice, both due to our financial and manpower limitations,” said Kohta Iwahashi, head of Akta, looking back at TRP2023. “This year we received so many inquiries asking us how we were able to pull off this large-scale collaboration (at TRP) with a company, and how they could do the same”. 

The relationship, they both said, was a win-win situation for both parties.

“When we work alone, our activities tend to be solely the responsibility of the company,” said Asuka Sasai, Manager of External Relations, Medical Policy, and Patient Support at ViiV Healthcare K.K. “But by working together with other organizations that are engaged in prevention awareness-raising and human rights protection activities in society at large, including Acta and other sexual minorities with whom we see on a daily basis, we are able to be more involved in the community and get a stronger understanding of the issues.” 

Same-sex marriage is good for business 

“Support for Same-Sex Marriage Promoted by Corporations.”

At another workshop across the room, Peter Shima and Lenna Kawazu, co-chairs of Outforce, Salesforce’s LGBTQ+ ally ERPG (Employee Resource Group) and Naosuke Fujita, Co-head of the Lawyers Network for LGBT and Ally (LLAN) teamed up to discuss why marriage equality (or same-sex marriage) was good for business. 

Fujita believes that, at least in the corporate world, we may be reaching a tipping point when it comes to support for Marriage Equality.  

“We’ve gone from 100 companies supporting Business for Marriage Equality to 450” he said of the Business for Marriage Equality campaign that brings together companies that support marriage equality (legalization of same-sex marriage) in Japan. 

“In this country, many of the stakeholders still fear raising their voices,” Fujita said. “It is therefore necessary for companies to raise theirs instead to help raise awareness.” 

He also said that in order for employees to be able to maximize their abilities, “it is important to have safe workplaces for employees and, more importantly, to treat employees equally.” He added that it is important for companies to endorse same-sex marriage, emphasizing that inequality can take a toll on LGBTQ employees’ mental well-being, despite their equal contributions to the company.

Kawazu of Salesforce also noted that there are not only LGBTQ+ but also other minorities in companies, and “I think it is our responsibility as a company as well as society to fill the gap where employees are not able to receive the same rights as other employees. He continued.

Shima from Salesforce highlighted the importance of fostering a safe environment within the company for individuals while actively voicing their commitment to change and a societal transformation, as the stark reality just beyond the corporate walls, was that the broader society may not share the same level of inclusivity. 


The Need for Feedback and Inclusion

“Diversity Management as Practiced by AXA’s Top Management”

In one significant session, President and CEO Seiji Yasubuchi of AXA Holdings Japan, alongside TRP co-chair Fumino Sugiyama, delved into the pivotal role of community feedback in their pursuit of fostering inclusivity.

Yasubuchi emphasized the intrinsic diversity within minority groups, underscoring the critical need for feedback. He expressed an understanding that what we may have overlooked offers a valuable opportunity for growth.

“There is, of course, diversity among minority groups,” Yasubuchi said. “It is therefore best that we get feedback to know what we may have not done yet, and use that as a good opportunity to fix them and move forward” 


Incorporating LGBTQ+ Issues within Diversity Initiatives

“On the Promotion of Measures Involving All Parts of the Company.”

The final keynote talk of the day by Yuki Ishii from the Sustainability Division at SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS and Mio Yoshimura, Diversity Manager of Freee K.K. shared the importance of including LGBTQ+ initiatives in a whole range of other diversity issues within a company so as not to alienate people who feel a specific issue has nothing to do with them. 

Ishii said SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS began by creating a workplace environment where everyone could unleash their full potential. According to Ishii, a turning point occurred during the SEGA SAMMY Sustainable Weeks held in 2021, where various topics such as LGBTQ+, disability inclusion, and environmental issues were addressed through a variety of combined lectures and activities and throughout the group.

“Whenever we focus, for example on LGBTQ, we are told that diversity is not only about LGBTQ, or if we focus on women, we are told that diversity is not only about women, so I find your company’s initiative about having a variety of issues are featured and planned together something I wish to take back with me,” said Yoshimura of Ishii’s company’s project to communicate together in Sustainability Weeks.

Furthermore, Ishii conveyed to gathered corporate representatives that in order to advance initiatives that involve both management and a variety of departments, it is crucial to “create and expand a ‘circle of empathy’ with people who share the same goals and concerns, regardless of internal or external affiliations.”

Preview of Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024

The proceedings culminated with an exclusive sneak peek at the forthcoming Tokyo Rainbow Pride event scheduled for April 19-21, 2024, accompanied by a poignant message from Fumio Sugiyama, co-chair of Tokyo Rainbow Pride, emphasizing the broader societal significance of the parade and festival as a catalyst for change.

Attendees, many positively energized by the meeting, said they gained invaluable insights into what to anticipate, setting the stage for proactive engagement and support with many of the attendees saying they were able to get ideas for their activities next year.  This they shared with each other in the subsequent networking event held at the same location.

“It is our first time today,” said Risako Kakihara of LVMH (Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton) Japan “it was so stimulating and educational.”  “It brought home to me the idea that there is still much to be done in Japan, especially in terms of corporate responsiveness and that Pride is not just a celebration.”

Another attendee, who’s company is now a regular at Tokyo Rainbow Pride, was happy to note that they were still able to get a lot out of the all-day event. 

“This conference was well worth attending,” said Cedric Thirion, the Japan lead of the LGBTQ+ EBRG chapter of MSD K.K.  “After sponsoring and joining Tokyo Rainbow Pride twice, as well as the Sapporo pride, I was looking for ideas to continue building on this momentum… and got tons of ideas.”

The diverse range of perspectives and expertise shared during the conference laid a solid foundation for meaningful change. As attendees return to their respective companies, they carry with them a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to further advance the cause of inclusivity and equality.


writer:Olivier Fabre
photo:Akane Kiyohara