



English follows Japanese.

こんにちは!Robert Walters Japanです。

Our in-house Pink Friday Event held every November.


ロバート・ウォルターズは、多様な人材が持つ力を信じ、グローバル人材紹介会社として多くのLGBTQ+コミュニティの人々のキャリアに携わってきました。今回の「Tokyo Rainbow Pride 30周年」イベントを通して、私たちは「LGBTQ+コミュニティ・多様性の過去とこれから」というテーマをもとにさまざまなオリジナルのコンテンツをご用意しています。



ロバート・ウォルターズの LGBTQ+に関する主な取り組み

ロバート・ウォルターズは、「自らの可能性を諦めない人々に力を」 という企業理念に沿い、企業として包括的な環境を構築し、育成することが不可欠だと考えています。これは、誰もが平等に扱われ、同じように成功の機会を得ることを意味しており、多様性が職場環境を豊かにし、イノベーションと創造性につながると考えております。
その信念に基づき、セクシュアル・マイノリティに関する取り組みとして、一人ひとりが自分らしく、個々の能力を存分に発揮できる環境づくりに向けて、全従業員への多様性への意識向上、理解サポートはもちろんのこと、私たちの価値観を反映する人々や組織を支援することに尽力しています。LGBTQ+コミュニティが組織にもたらすポジティブな貢献について理解を深めるとともに、セミナーなど外に配信をする LGBT 認知向上のための活動も行っています。


  • 社内相談窓口の設置(性自認や性的指向に関する相談・カミングアウトに関する相談等)

  • 同性婚に対する見解の支持、多様性と平等性、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンに対する姿勢と取り組みを会社 HP にて公表

  • LGBTQ+に関する学習会(オンライン発信)や、LGBTQ+講演会の開催

  • LGBTQ+やダイバーシティ理解促進のため、ロールモデルのサポートの元、社内での研修や、社外での活動にも積極的に取り組むカルチャーの構築

  • 同性同士のパートナー間での出産の場合にも社内で用意している休暇制度の利用が可能



Hello! This is Robert Walters Japan.
Thank you for visiting our online booth.

Our in-house Pink Friday Event held every November.

We invite you to visit our booth themed “The Past and Future of the LGBTQ+ Community and Diversity”!

Robert Walters believes in the power of a diverse workforce, and as a global recruiting firm, we have worked with many members of the LGBTQ+ community in their careers. Through this year’s Tokyo Rainbow Pride 30th Anniversary event, we have prepared a variety of original content based on the theme “The Past and Future of the LGBTQ+ Community and Diversity”.

Diversity is a key part of Robert Walters Group’s success. We believe that diversity enriches the work environment and creates a more innovative and creative workforce, based on our core philosophy of “Powering People & Organisations to Fulfil their Unique Potential.” We aim to make a lasting contribution to society by supporting our clients in their efforts to secure diverse talent and by supporting candidates to be the best they can be.

We invite you to share your thoughts with us at our booth about how the LGBTQ+ community in Japan has developed thus far and how you hope to see Japan in the future. We will use your responses as a message to Japanese society to share information with our clients and the community to support them in playing a part in building a better society.

LGBTQ+ Initiatives at Robert Walters

In keeping with our corporate mission of “Powering People to Fulfil Their Unique Potential”, Robert Walters believes it is imperative that we as a company create and foster an inclusive environment. This means that everyone is treated equally and has the same opportunities to succeed, and we believe that diversity enriches the work environment and leads to innovation and creativity.
Based on this belief, as part of our efforts related to sexual minorities, we are committed to creating an environment where each individual can be themselves and realize their full potential, not only by raising diversity awareness and understanding support for all employees, but also by supporting people and organizations that reflect our values. We are also committed to increasing understanding of the positive contributions that the LGBTQ+ community can make to our organization, as well as LGBTQ+ awareness activities such as seminars and other external activities.

As a global firm, Robert Walters employees come from a wide range of backgrounds; our Japan offices are made up more than 40 nationalities. We will continue to support our clients in their efforts to secure a diverse workforce, thereby contributing to their competitiveness and continued success.

  • Establishment of an internal consultation service (consultation on gender identity and sexual orientation, coming out, etc.)
  • Publication on the company website of its support for views on same-sex marriage, and its stance and commitment to diversity and equality and diversity and inclusion
  • Holding study sessions on LGBTQ+ (disseminated online) and LGBTQ+ lectures
  • Build a culture of proactively engaging in internal training and external activities with the support of role models to promote understanding of LGBTQ+ and diversity.
  • Allowing same-sex partners to use the company’s leave system for childbirth.

Visit Robert Walters Japan website here:
Equity, diversity & inclusion (robertwalters.co.jp)

