

株式会社 資生堂

Shiseido Co., Ltd.

私たちは「LOVE THE DIFFERENCES(違いを愛そう)」をスローガンに掲げ、性別や年齢、国籍といった属性や考え方の違いに関わらず、個々人の違いをお互いに認め尊重し合っています。

As expressed in our slogan “Love the Differences,” we recognize and respect each other in all the ways that make us unique, such as gender, age, nationality, as well as ways of thinking.




  • 日本国内では、2017年に社員の同性パートナーを異性の配偶者と同じように福利厚生の処遇を受けられるよう就業規則を変更
  • 社員向けにLGBTQ+理解促進研修を実施。また、パーソナルビューティーパートナー*は、すべての人を受け入れ支える応対を目指し、LGBTQ+応対研修を受講
  • パーソナルビューティパートナーのコスチュームは、着用する一人ひとりの個性や魅力を表現するため、組み合わせが自由に選べるように2022年に刷新。

* パーソナルビューティーパートナー:お客さま接点で応対・接客をおこなう社員

■Support for LGBTQ+ Community

Shiseido is working on creating an environment and raising awareness so that every employee can be themselves at work by eliminating discrimination and harassment due to gender identity and sexual orientation.

<Initiatives for employees>

  • In 2017, the Rules of Employment in Japan were changed so that employees with same-sex partners could receive the same treatment, including employee benefits, as those with opposite-sex partners.
  • Promote understanding of LGBTQ+ rights and issues among employees as well as provide training for Personal Beauty Partners* so they can leverage that knowledge and better serve and support LGBTQ+ persons.
  • In 2022, we revamped the outfits for our Personal Beauty Partners who work in stores, allowing them the freedom to choose their own combinations and express their individuality and charm.

* Personal Beauty Partners are employees who serve and greet customers at the customer contact points


組み合わせが自由なコスチューム/Customizable costumes with various combinations


  • 2020年に婚姻の平等(同性婚の法制化)キャンペーン「Business for Marriage Equality」に賛同
  • 過去、東京レインボープライド、レインボーフェスタ!(大阪)に参加

<Initiatives for society>

  • In 2020, we supported the Business for Marriage Equality, a campaign to promote equal marriage (legalization of same-sex marriage)
  • We participated in Tokyo Rainbow Pride and Rainbow Festa! in Osaka

Business for Marriage Equalityのロゴ


資生堂の東京レインボープライド出展の様子/Shiseido booth at Tokyo Rainbow Pride


今年のテーマは、「With you」。社内外のLGBTQ+コミュニティに寄り添う資生堂の取り組みをご紹介します。


■Shiseido Booth in 2024

Under our theme “With you,” we are proud to introduce our commitment to the LGBTQ+ community!

Please be sure to visit our booth!

